Cursos de especialización
CORBI-FOM Fall Courses / Memory School
CorBI-FOM Fall Courses bring together the most promising students and faculty at all stages of their careers for fruitful discussions on the most pressing questions in biomedical and social sciences. CorBI-FOM Fall Courses, Memory School put the emphasis in the fact that memory makes us. Few things are more important in shaping who we are and how we interact with the world than memory and yet, it is one of the most elusive and misunderstood of human attributes. Memory is not simply our ability to acquire and store information over time. It does not depend on a sort of neural super-computer full of individual memory folders.
Títulos de Experto
Título de Experto en Ética Médica
Conocer los fundamentos éticos de las principales cuestiones de la práctica médica.
Desarrollar habilidades para el análisis de cuestiones éticas de la práctica asistencial.